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Thread Contributor: Master101Chiefgenerating "random" text

04-17-2012, 02:39 PM,
generating "random" text
lets begin
first you need the have a picture of something the size of this picture will have effect on the size of the text.
I open up Photoshop and rendered some blue to red clouds.
save this as jpeg.

next we will open up notepad and open the jpg file you just saved(you need to set is to all file types)

and if done right you will have now you string with random numbers letters and figures
the first line may contain something like Photoshop, time, date collar-profile

you can now copy this and paste it in your Photoshop file.
my advise is to rasterize it directly cause it is kind of heavy on your machine.

just ask if you don't understand everthing

always in for helping!
[Image: smokesigsmall.jpg]
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[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Master101Chief for this post:
04-17-2012, 02:40 PM,
RE: generating "random" text
Really useful tut. Thanks for posting
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04-17-2012, 06:25 PM,
RE: generating "random" text
thanks for the feedback

always in for helping!
[Image: smokesigsmall.jpg]
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